Lenny's 9th Annual Charity Sale - $24,175 Raised to Fight Hunger
$24,175 Raised to Fight Hunger in Vermont and New York
On Saturday, October 26, locals shopped at all 4 Lenny's locations till they dropped – and together, they raised more than $24,000 to fight hunger in our area. During the 9th annual Charity Sale, Lenny’s Shoe & Apparel and customers collectively raised $24,175 for the Vermont Foodbank and JCEO Plattsburgh Foodshelf. Lenny’s owner Mark McCarthy presented a check for $20,608 the Vermont Foodbank, and a donation of $3,567 to the JCEO Plattsburgh Foodshelf. Lenny’s Shoe & Apparel has donated over $133,000 to the Vermont Foodbank and JCEO Plattsburgh Foodshelf in the past 9 years.
“We are blown away by the generosity of Lenny’s and their customers,” says Vermont Foodbank CEO, John Sayles. “They made this the most successful charity sale to date! Because of them, people throughout Vermont will have access to the food they need this holiday season. Thank you all!”

During the month of October, Lenny’s customers were encouraged to make a $10 donation to the Vermont Foodbank and JCEO Plattsburgh Foodshelf in exchange for a custom canvas tote bag (pictured above) and exclusive access to the store-wide sale. 100% of the donations collected went directly to these non-profit organizations.
“Our customers have astounded us once again with their generosity,” said McCarthy. “They are committed to making a difference in the lives of their neighbors. To date, we have donated over $133,000 to take action against food insecurity in our area.”
Everyone at Lenny's is proud to have such community-focused customers who care about their neighbors, especially during the beginning of the colder months. The money raised will go a long way toward helping members of our communities this winter in both VT and NY. Thank you to everyone who participated! We are looking forward to next year.